In the case of Wookie mentors did not communicate the need for a report until 
yesterday and the lead developers are currently in the middle of a conference. 

Of course they should have spotted announcements here, but their still learning 
what to look for and what filters to have. 

I'll do a report later today

Sent from my mobile device.

On 16 Nov 2010, at 02:16, "Noel J. Bergman" <> wrote:

> Of the currently missing reports:
>  - Droids appears to have no activity since September.  People asking
> questions are not getting answered.  Perhaps the project should be
> mothballed.
>  - HISE has some activity, although October was quiet.
>  - Stonehenge appears to have been dead since July, when it made a
> milestone release, and is discussing being archived.  There appears to be
> disappointment over the perceived disappearance of Microsoft and WSO2.
>  - VCL appears to be active, with no reason for the lack of a report.
>  - Wookie appears to be active, with no reason for the lack of a report.
> Other than VCL and Wookie, should all of them be mothballed?  Does the WS
> project want Stonehenge?
>    --- Noel
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