On Aug 19, 2010, at 11:25 AM, Greg Stein wrote:

> ----
> ** Community
> Since our last report, in May, we have added two more committers.
> These are "partial" committers, meaning they are restricted to certain
> portions of the tree. The first, artagnon, is a GSoC student for
> Git(!) and is adding a new "svnrdump" client-side tool to produce or
> load Subversion dump files remotely (eg. for fast-loading into Git).
> The second, stefan2, is working on a branch with a broad set of
> performance improvements across the system.
> No new PMC Members ("full committers") have been added.
> ----
> As you can see, we aren't trying to foist new terminology on anybody.
> I continue to believe that the terminology used in our report is fine.
> The Board showed no concern during the meeting. This ruckus seems
> quite overblown.
> Cheers,
> -g

This seems fair enough. In practice what you are doing is not much different 
than commons restricting committers to the sandbox, or when I got access to 
logging I was restricted to Log4j 2.0, not the current trunk.  so I have no 
problem with the practice of granting restricted or partial access.  I've just 
never seen the term "partial" committer before and certainly never used "full 
committer" to be analogous to a PMC member.  Cocoon follows the same practice 
of making someone a PMC member when they are offered commit access, but we have 
still always announced them as a new committer and then invited them to also be 
on the PMC.  We've also run into a couple of cases where we invited someone to 
be on the PMC due to their contribution to the community but they didn't really 
need commit access.


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