Niclas Hedhman wrote: > Greg Stein wrote: >> Craig L Russell wrote: >>> I don't care what you call them in the project. I'm asking that you use >>> Apache terminology when discussing things among the wider Apache community. >> The report is consumed by the svn community, too. They reviewed it and >> provided feedback. It uses terms from the svn community.
> Greg, your position is just a pile of BS. You should know it. Niclas, I request that you refrain from that kind of statement, and apologize to Greg (off-list is fine). We can agree to disagree in a more civil manner. Moving on ... > No way would the Board (nor you) allow arbitrary terminology across > projects even if it is "parentheticals" (whatever that means). As far as I'm concerned, the participants are Committers. There is no need to distinguish between them other than access rights in the SVN ACLs. Partitioning ACLs is really nothing more than infrastructure enforced behavior to make the PMC's required oversight task a bit safer (people who shouldn't be changing something can't). ACLs are controlled by each PMC, and represent infrastrucure enforcement of resource rights within the specific Community. As long as the Community is healthy and accepting of its own structure, I see no need to attack differences that aren't harmful. The tone of the rest of your message was, at least in my opinion, overly aggressive and harsh, and therefore not well designed to be convincing. And certainly didn't need airing in that manner on a public mailing list. --- Noel --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: