On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Luciano Resende <luckbr1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After initial discussion [1], please vote on the acceptance of Nuvem
> Project for incubation at the Apache Incubator. The full proposal is
> available at the end of this message and on the wiki at
>       http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/Nuvem
> We ask the Incubator PMC to sponsor the project with Luciano Resende
> as the Champion and Jean-Frederic Clere, Paul Fremantle, Ant Elder and
> Donald Woods volunteering to be mentors.
> Please cast your votes:
> [ ] +1, bring Nuvem into Incubator
> [ ] +0, I don't care either way
> [ ] -1, do not bring Nuvem into Incubator, because...
> The vote is open for the next 72 hours and only votes from the
> Incubator PMC are binding.

+1, bring Nuvem into Incubator

Luciano Resende

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