
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Nick Burch <n...@apache.org> wrote:
> I've just had a question from someone in Chemistry, one of the projects I
> mentor, about ppmc vs committership. Having explained it, I wanted to check
> who was currently on the Chemistry ppmc, but I couldn't seem to find the
> list anywhere...

So far the approach in Chemistry has been to make all committers also
PPMC members, so the committer (+ mentor) list on the Chemistry status
page is also a list of the PPMC members.

I agree about it being a good idea to use the status page to
explicitly list the composition of the PPMC. For Chemistry that can be
achieved by simply adding a note like: "The Chemistry PPMC consists of
all the committers and mentors listed here."


Jukka Zitting

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