On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Gav... <ga...@16degrees.com.au> wrote:
> ...I've shown my support for Christian, we just need to wait for the Incubator
> PMC chair to approve or not, and he is on his holidays currently I believe....

IMO the decision is made by a vote of the Incubator PMC members, it's
not just the chair's decision.

I just started the vote on the incubator private, it's open for 72
hours at least so we should have an answer for Christian by Wednesday

As Julien is an ASF member, his Incubator PMC membership is just a
formality - Noel as the PMC chair must forward the request to the
board when he's back, which should be later this weekend.

So I guess we should be ready to vote on the Zeta proposal by
Wednesday. In the meantime, Zeta committers who don't have an iCLA on
file [1] should send it, that will save time if/when the project is
accepted. I don't think there's more that can be done at this point to
save time.


[1] http://www.apache.org/licenses/icla.txt

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