I'm interested in implementing jaspic (jsr 196) support if practical.  This 
should allow Amber to provide container managed authentication in any jaspic 
enabled servlet container.  I'm not familiar enough with OAuth to know if it 
makes sense to have a client auth module but surely a server auth module makes 
I've added myself to the initial committers list.... hopefully this is the 
appropriate way to express my interest :-)

david jencks

On Apr 29, 2010, at 12:33 PM, Paul Lindner wrote:

> Hi Pablo,
> If you are considering merging Scribe with Amber I would add yourself to the
> initial committers list, and fax in an ICLA to get things rolling:
> http://www.apache.org/licenses/icla.txt
> http://www.apache.org/licenses/icla.pdf
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:07 AM, pablo fernandez <
> fernandezpabl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Simone,
>> Yeah, the library now supports OAuth v1.0a. I intend to add 2.0 support
>> eventually...
>> I added myself under "other interested people". I've never participated in
>> any apache project so I think that's the right place.
>> Thanks
>> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Simone Gianni <simo...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Pablo,
>>> great, thanks for your interest. I suppose you are talking about OAuth
>> v1?
>>> Please have a look at the current proposal on
>>> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/AmberProposal and eventually add
>> yourself
>>> where appropriate.
>>> Simone
>>> 2010/4/29 pablo fernandez <fernandezpabl...@gmail.com>
>>>> Hello Everyone!
>>>> I've developed a OAuth library for java that it's working pretty well,
>>>> although it's still work in progress.
>>>> I'd be glad to collaborate the code to Amber, modifying it to the
>> project
>>>> needs.
>>>> If you want to take a look at it, please go to:
>>>> github.com/fernandezpablo85/scribe
>>>> <http://github.com/fernandezpablo85/scribe>Regards!
>>>> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 6:45 AM, Paul Lindner <lind...@inuus.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>> The Shindig PMC has approved the proposal to sponsor the Amber
>> project
>>>> for
>>>>> the Apache Incubator.
>>>>> 7 +1 votes were submitted. [Henning, Chirag, Chico, Paul, Jacky,
>>> Santiago
>>>>> and Vincent]
>>>>> No 0 or -1 votes.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Paul
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 5:54 AM, Paul Lindner <plind...@linkedin.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I propose that the Shindig PMC sponsor the Amber project - which is
>>> an
>>>>>> OAuth 1.0/2.0 library under development in Apache Labs.
>>>>>> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/AmberProposal
>>>>>> Our sponsorship would allow Amber to graduate to the Apache
>>>>>> incubator.  After some time it could graduate to a subproject of
>>>> Shindig
>>>>> or
>>>>>> as a top level project of it's own.
>>>>>> Vote open for 72h
>>>>>> +1 Sponsor Amber
>>>>>> +0 no opinion
>>>>>> -1 Don't sponsor Amber

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