On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 8:08 PM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I started a discussion thread a week-ish ago to seek out issues for
> Subversion's graduation. The couple bits that were raised[1] have been
> handled, I believe. So with that said, I am unaware of any potential
> showstoppers, and would like to request a vote for graduating the
> Subversion podling. Should this result in a successful vote, I will
> put a resolution before the Board (for its Feb 17 mtg) to construct a
> new Subversion PMC.
> Please vote:
> [ ] +1 Graduation
> [ ] -1 Hold, and continue incubating

The graduation page [1] mentions that a resolution should be
available. Do we need/Is there one for subversion ?

"The resolution should be proposed on the general  incubator list
before a VOTE is started to allow feedback. Once a consensus has been
reached, a VOTE  should be started on the same general incubator list
by a member of the PPMC proposing that the IPMC  recommends the
resolution to the Board. "

[1] http://incubator.apache.org/guides/graduation.html#tlp-resolution

Luciano Resende

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