Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Michael Wechner
<> wrote:
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
As Gianugo says, the Chemistry folks are certainly the best people to
judge (together with you guys of course) whether your ideas can be
incorporated in Chemistry, or are better off in a separate project.

The Incubator's position is very probably that it's fine to have
different projects working on similar things, but in general we're all
for strong communities, and if you guys can join forces with Chemistry
from the start that's probably a better way to build a strong

well, let's be honest: Merging communities can be a very difficult thing
(from both sides)

I don't think it's a problem to have two CMIS projects. I think the
important thing is that
each project is able to build a "healthy" community around code of great
quality and that
the communications/processes are transparent.

I understand that from the outside it looks odd to have two or even several
projects of the same topic, but evolution is variation (with some
balance though ;-)


don't get me wrong, I have no objections in principle for having two
or more competing projects. It's just that my bar is higher in this
case, as:

- we are talking about two podlings, which IIRC is a first;

- they both aim to implement a moving target;

- the prospective OpenCMIS community started seemingly with the wrong
foot by not addressing the Chemistry community first and looking for
potential mutual engagements, despite being in the best possible
situation, such as having a committer in common;

- when asked to try and contact Chemistry, Paul chalked it up as time consuming;

- the proposal came in with no candidate champion or mentors.

None of the above issues is a blocker, but the sum of the parts
doesn't give me exactly a warm, fuzzy feeling. I would appreciate the
proponents having a discussion with Chemistry first. If OpenCMIS,
however, prefers to skip that step and manages to score champions and
mentors, I won't stand in the way.

sounds reasonable to me :-)



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