Greg Stein wrote: > > Sponsors > * Champion: Greg Stein Cool
> * Nominated Mentors: Justin Erenkrantz, Greg Stein, Sander Striker, Daniel > Rall Once again, caution against committers == mentors (== 'project leads'). It puts certain committers above others, an inequitable situation. If the PPMC is 100% in support of 'respecting' this list of mentors with respect to adapting to life-in-the-ASF, then fine. But it's a situation that always concerns me. The incubator PMC could easily find mentors who are supportive of this proposal, but not in dev/leadership roles within the SVN community. > * Sponsor: I am certain the APR project would entertain a vote to sponsor this podling through graduation, if that is useful. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: