The shindig community has voted on and approved a proposal to release
1.1-BETA2.  The next step is approval by the Incubator PMC to publish this
release.  The summary is attached below.  Note that we did have to respin
the release twice due to issues with checksums.  Artifacts are here:

and projects reports are here:

Please vote to publish this release by Wednesday, Sep 9 12:00 GMT (adding
extra time since the vote spans a weekend and a US holiday).

[ ] +1 Publish
[ ] +0
[ ] -0
[ ] -1 Don't publish, because...

Much appreciated,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Lindner <>
Date: Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 10:16 AM
Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache Incubator Shindig version 1.1-BETA2


I have prepared shindig-1.1-BETA2-incubating release.  It includes:
* all of the fixes from the withdrawn 1.1-BETA1 non-release (see below)
* PHP implementations of many 0.9 features
* a fixed java zip file without a war file * Correct checksums.  Could
someone else verify?
* Note, sticking with uppercase beta -- if consensus we can switch to lower
case for beta3.

We solved 16 issues

Remaining unresolved issues have been moved to 1.1-BETA3

Staging repo:

Web site:

More information about the changes from BETA1 is available here:<>

Vote open for 72 hours.

[ ] +1
[ ] +0
[ ] -1


   - [SHINDIG-609 <>] - fix
   oauth url parameters
   - [SHINDIG-926 <>] -
   XML/ATOM converter failure for appdata REST api
   - [SHINDIG-1026 <>] -
   fix signing fetcher warning for empty path
   - [SHINDIG-1068 <>] -
   Some tests fail when building with IBM's JVM
   - [SHINDIG-1124 <>] -
   Upgrade to caja r3574
   - [SHINDIG-1126 <>] -
   Documentation error
   - [SHINDIG-1129 <>] -
   Dynamic height is over-calculated for Webkit-based browsers
   - [SHINDIG-1133 <>] -
   NullPointerException in RenderingGadgetRewriter
   - [SHINDIG-1134 <>] -
   JsonProperty Annotations not working properly for both


   - [SHINDIG-678 <>] -
   Autoloader chain
   - [SHINDIG-822 <>] -
   Remove caja's dependence on opensocial feature
   - [SHINDIG-855 <>] -
   Enum value should be checked if it is empty
   - [SHINDIG-856 <>] -
   Defaults to cont...@type="html" when omitted
   - [SHINDIG-857 <>] -
   public key id param key should be xoauth_public_key
   - [SHINDIG-1107 <>] -
   Clean up shindig dependencies
   - [SHINDIG-1135 <>] -
   Bump ehcache to 1.6.1

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