On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:24, Noah Slater<nsla...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 10:09:49AM +0200, Bernd Fondermann wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 07:55, Noah Slater<nsla...@apache.org> wrote:
>> > Moreover, in order to provide a seed to grow and ground discussions on
>> > technical levels, the ASF incubation rules require the podlings to join the
>> > incubation process with an established and working codebase.
> [...]
>> You are talking about the Incubator, but referencing the Labs bylaws.
>> Maybe that's what's confusing you.
> Nope, I don't think so.
> The bit that I quoted was from a Labs document, but was talking about rules 
> for
> the Incubator. I am confused because I can't find anything in the Incubator
> rules about this. So I'm wondering if this is an omission, or if the Labs
> document is in error.

Labs has no say 'bout what's happening at the Incubator but could be
anticipating what's unwritten policy at the Incubator.

>> Incubator: Come from the outside with a project (code + community)
> We don't have code, but we have a few interested people.
>> Labs: Start from scratch (without code nor community)
> Not possible, because some of our contributers are not ASF committers.

You could start at labs having those contributors contribute via
patches/JIRA and the ASF committers committing their stuff.
Don't know if this is acceptable to you.
Then, sooner or later you'd go to the Incubator where they would
become "proper" committers.

ATM, I don't see any other possibility for starting out at the ASF.


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