On 11/05/2009, Jukka Zitting <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 10:43 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  > There are rather a lot of LICENSE and NOTICE files dotted around the
>  > source archive.
> That's in anticipation of the future release model that Sling is
>  targetting. Instead of a big bang release like this or the previous
>  release, Sling is planning to start releasing individual components
>  separately. Each of these components will then need their own
>  licensing information. Currently Sling includes licensing metadata
>  both on the top level and on component level.

OK, but they need to be consistent.

>  > I would expect the top-level one to be a superset of the lower level
>  > ones, but this is not the case as the top-level L &or N files don't
>  > mention Rhino.
> The source archive does not contain Rhino code, so there's no need to
>  mention it in the LICENSE or NOTICE files.

In which case, please can it be removed?
It's confusing.

>  > Binary archive
>  > ==========
>  > The LICENSE does not mention JSON or Rhino
>  > The NOTICE file does not mention JSON or Rhino
>  >
>  > The nested binary archive contains a copy of Groovy and Jetty, neither
>  > of which is credited anywhere as far as I can tell. I would expect at
>  > least a mention in the LICENSE files, as these are not ASF projects.
> I noted this too [1], but I didn't consider this a blocking issue as
>  the licensing information of all the embedded dependencies can be
>  found inside the bundles packaged in resources/bundles within the top
>  level binaries. For example, the Groovy licensing information can be
>  found in resources/bundles/0/groovy-all-1.6.0.jar. It would of course
>  be preferable if this information was included or at least referenced
>  in the top level LICENSE and NOTICE files.

I don't think it's OK to expect users to have to trawl through all the
NOTICE and LICENSE files to find all the required information. IMO,
the top-level L & N files need to relate to the entire contents.

>  [1] http://markmail.org/message/nn64fjgnmlxvqov6
>  BR,
>  Jukka Zitting
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