Thanks Sanjiva - you are correct that the original IBM intent was a clean JAX-RS runtime. There's not that much code in the JAX-RS APIs demanding much more else than that. With HP - as stated - it's been developed over a number of years. I want to make sure folks realize that the convergence will happen in the open (which is what we all want - isn't it)?
btw.. Servlets offer full REST support. The rest is a small matter of a little code :-) Regards... Greg Greg Truty WebSphere Web Services and REST Architect, IBM Austin EMail: Phone: (ext) (512) 286-8985 (Tie) 363-8985 From: Sanjiva Weerawarana <> To: Cc: Greg Truty/Austin/i...@ibmus, Nicholas L Gallardo/Austin/i...@ibmus, Dustin Amrhein/Austin/i...@ibmus, Bryant Luk/Austin/i...@ibmus, Jesse A Ramos/Austin/i...@ibmus, Christopher J Blythe/Raleigh/i...@ibmus, "Baram, Eliezer" <>,,, "Snitkovsky, Martin" <>,,, Michael Rheinheimer/Austin/i...@ibmus Date: 04/22/2009 03:00 PM Subject: Re: Apache Wink Proposal On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:44 AM, Daniel Kulp <> wrote: So, basically, you wanted a JAX-RS implementation. You looked at Apache CXF Just to make matters more muddy .. Axis2 has full REST support and there's some work that was started to support JAX-RS but never completed (not exactly major user demand there). However, that will happen at some point .. we just have to complete the annotations, the runtime is essentially available already. More the merrier, eh? but it didn't completely meet your needs. Instead of engaging with CXF (there wasn't any discussion about any of this on the CXF dev/users list) to enhance CXF, you fork it in house and update it and enhance it outside of any community. Now you want to push it back into Apache, but not with any of the CXF community. I just wanted to get that out in the open. Two implementations isn't a bad thing (think Axis2 and CXF) but the way this was approached is a concern. I guess history repeats itself ;-). I guess from my standpoint, while I'm not "against" the proposal, I'd definitely like to see it have the option of "graduating" via a merger with the CXF implementation and engagements with that community. >From my read of the proposal, the idea is to have a clean JAX-RS *only* runtime. I can imagine that would be a tad less complex than CXF or Axis2 is given that those are designed for a more general problem and treat REST support as one style of services only. To that extent, I don't see a problem with a separate standalone implementation. Sanjiva. -- Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D. Founder, Director & Chief Scientist; Lanka Software Foundation; Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.; Member; Apache Software Foundation; Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa; Blog: