On 2/20/09, Thilo Goetz <twgo...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Niclas Hedhman wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Thilo Goetz <twgo...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> <snip reason="user community reported healthy" />
>>> My pet hypothesis (or maybe I'm just looking for excuses) is
>>> this: UIMA is heavily used in academia.  Now academics have no
>>> problems with open source, to the contrary.  But they have an
>>> overwhelming need to publish and build up a reputation.
>> Does this have to mutually exclusive??
>> Can you perhaps contact these individuals one-by-one and get their
>> view on how they see it. Perhaps ask them to publish their work in
>> parallel, and perhaps the 'OSS bug' will bite a couple of them??
> I have talked to quite a few of them, and I'll keep hitting on them :-)

Yes, IMO Apache hasn't really optimised it's interface with academia.
I have some observations but hopefully other folks will jump in:

1. Perhaps Apache could approach this a little more like an industrial
partner, perhaps by enabling an initial separation between academic
research and the open source project which is the beneficiary. Some
universities may feel more comfortable contributing through an
industrial partner using an open source business model than directly
to Apache.

2. Perhaps we can do more to help academics who work with Apache to
build their reputation. Apache's brand is one of it's key assets and
so mutally building reputations may be of significant mutual

3. Apache - at the project level - has significant intersections with
academia but lacks a knowledge center. Perhaps the members should ask
the board to establish an academic relations committee and VP to
manage this.

- Robert

>> I don't follow UIMA personally, so I am a bit short on other
>> suggestions. Perhaps others have better ideas?
>> Cheers
>> Niclas
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