Provided that we get a Marvin like script for PPMC's to get notified
of a pending report, in my opinion:
- the first missing report should be dealt with by the Mentors on the
podling-dev list (to engage the community), and the podling has to
report the next month.
- the second consecutive missing report should invoke response from
the Incubator PMC (perhaps the Chair), to the podling dev-list, with a
stern warning that 3 strikes is out. A PMC member should try to work
with the community to get a report out, and see what is happening with
the Mentors.
 - the third consecutive missing report should invoke termination of
the podling. If the podling community can't bother to report 3 times
in a row, the community is MIA and we can use the cycles in a better

Now what should happen when a podling is on and off with reporting to
a schedule? I don't know. Probably a sign that the Mentors are
overworked and that additional guidance capacity is necessary.


On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Noel J. Bergman <> wrote:
> Craig Russell wrote:
>> > To me it sounds that the Mentors are sleeping....
>>> Totally agree, it is the mentors responsibility to make sure "their"
>>> podlings submit their reports on time.
>> Totally agree, it is the mentors responsibility to make sure "their"
>> podlings submit their reports on time.
> Personally, I see that that people, Mentors included, get overwhelmed,
> caught up, or simply don't get it down.  And communal, collective,
> responsibility is our philosophy.  OK, fair enough, perhaps we can argue
> that the report is a singular exception, as it is for me to deliver each
> month.  In any event, what actions should we take in the event of
> non-report?
>        --- Noel
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