Craig Russell commented on INCUBATOR-103:

> Sorry, I'm a little confused about the meaning of words here.
> What is currently at the top of every file in the PyLucene sources is what is 
> recommended anyone using the Apache 2.0 license do and comes from the bottom 
> of   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 under: APPENDIX: How to apply 
> the Apache License to your work

Right. This is how non-Apache code would use the Apache license.

> Are you saying that I should remove only the line that says Copyright (c) 
> 2007-2008 Open Source Applications Foundation

Yes. Actually "move" instead of "remove" because you're moving the copyright 
notice from each individual file to a common place in the repository. 

> or that I should remove the entire header from all the source files and add 
> it only to COPYRIGHT and NOTICE ?

Leave the license in each file.

> Currently, I don't have either of these files. I only have that same header 
> in a file called LICENSE.

Assuming that you want to retain the copyright, you should move the copyright 
notice from each file and put it into the COPYRIGHT file in the svn repository. 

NOTICE is not needed (I was a bit eager there). Putting the standard Apache 
license text into the LICENSE file is fine. 

> [IP-GRANT] PyLucene
> -------------------
>                 Key: INCUBATOR-103
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INCUBATOR-103
>             Project: Incubator
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Andi Vajda
> This is an archive of PyLucene's HEAD revision (488):
> http://people.apache.org/~vajda/PyLucene-2.4.0-2-488.tar.bz2
> http://people.apache.org/~vajda/PyLucene-2.4.0-2-488.tar.bz2.md5
> The md5 hash was created with Mac OS X 10.5.5's /sbin/md5:
> md5 PyLucene-2.4.0-2-488.tar.bz2 > PyLucene-2.4.0-2-488.tar.bz2.md5

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