
I would like to introduce my Apache Scrum proposal.

   Apache Scrum is a complete environment manager and deployer including JEE 
   and resources.
   It's a perfect complement to continuous integration by adding continuous 
   The whole software factory chain is cover and the JEE administrator managed 
all environments
   is a secure and safe way, whatever the underlying application server is.

   Apache Scrum provides two components :
   - Apache Scrum agent are installed localy on the application server server
   - Apache Scrum console controls and manages agents, allowing the JEE 
administrator to update
     all environments from a central web tool.

   Currently, Apache Scrum is named BuildProcess AutoDeploy 
   The development has begun 4 years ago and several release have been already 
   AutoDeploy is used in several companies like Fimasys 
(http://www.fimasys.com), Vodacom South Africa
   (http://www.vodacom.com), Mayo Clinic USA (http://www.mayocinic.com), etc.

   The JEE environments administration is heavy cost task with a high level on 
human action. It suffers :
   - a different set of script or actions dependning of the application server 
used (JBoss, Websphere, Weblogic, etc)
   - a high level of risk due to human action (for exemple, an administrator 
can forget to deploy a JDBC datasource,
     or forget to change an application specific configuration file)
   - the upgrade process can be long (depending of the applications complexity)
   - most of resources are stored localy to the application server, not in a 
central repository
   Apache Scrum securise the environment deployment and cover the whole JEE 
scope (EAR/WAR archives, JDBC datasources,
   JMS queues, JMS topics, classloader policy, etc) in a uniq way whatever the 
underlying application server (it heavely
   uses JMX to interact with compatible middlewares).

Initial Goals
   When I have begun AutoDeploy, my first goal was to provide several 
application server JMX plugins. But quickly, I have
   seen that multi-application servers support was only a small part of the JEE 
administration need.
   That's why I have extended AutoDeploy to provide agents and a central 
console. Using the console, several JEE administrators
   can use a central tools to manage all environments in a collaborative and 
secure way.

Current Status
   Currently, AutoDeploy provides two branches :
   - the 0.5.x branch (with the 0.5.4 lastest release) is the current stable 
   - the 0.6.x branch is target to become Apache Scrum

   Currently the project contains two contributors and around 50 users.
   Thanks to the popularity of ASF, the purpose is increase the number of 
contributors to improve the functionnality cover
   of Apache Scrum.

Core Developers
   AutoDeploy/Apache Scrum was founded by Jean-Baptiste Onofré in 2004. Mike 
Duffy, Vodacom JEE architect, contributes since 
   2005. Several contributors have provided patches on the project.

Open Source
   Since the beginning, AutoDeploy was a Open Source project using GPL license.
   Apache Scrum will use the Apache 2 license.

Relationships with Other Apache Products
   AutoDeploy/Apache Scrum heavely uses Apache products such as :
   - lot of jakarta commons (espcailly VFS)
   - maven/continuum for build/continuous integration
   - xerces/xalan for XML manipulation
   - etc ...

I hope that Apache Scrum provide a kind of interest to you :) and really hope 
that the ASF approve this project.
I think that the core product is efficient due to the number of users on the 
current stable version. Joining ASF will increase
the visibility of Scrum and increase the number of contributors, for sure.

If you have need more informations, or if you have some questions, don't 
hesitate to contact me.

Thanks in advance :)

[1] BuildProcess AutoDeploy (Apache Scrum) :
Jean-Baptiste Onofré (Nanthrax)
BuildProcess/AutoDeploy Project Leader
PGP : 17D4F086

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