Darren Hague wrote:
> As there have been 8 positive votes with no negative votes, I would like 
> to declare the vote PASSED.
> Votes were received from the following people:
> * Bertrand Delacretaz
> * Craig L Russell
>  Daniel Kulp
> * Davanum Srinivas
> * Ian Holsman
> * J Aaron Farr
> * Robert Burrell Donkin
> * Sylvain Wallez
> Those marked with * are binding votes - please correct me if I am wrong.

Plus Daniel Kulp.

So welcome to ESME.

The next steps are listed here:

I have done the first step for you,
i.e. added to http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ReportingSchedule
As you are entering very close to report time,
i made your first report in January. However if
you want to report in December then add yourself
to http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/December2008


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