Hi Serge,
Sorry to not have recognized the name .. small world eh? :-).
OK now I understand the project - I've been long advocating universities
to participate in open source as I see universities as our research
division! That's the way we can beat any corporate research division ;-).
I'm happy to mentor it and champion it. However, let me try to find
another champion though just because of practical time issues ..
In terms of sponsor- if you want the WS PMC to sponsor it then you need to
make the request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Alternatively, we can ask the
Incubator PMC to sponsor it .. IMO that's easier and that sort of gives
you more flexibility in deciding your final ASF home upon graduation.
Mankovskii, Serge wrote:
Hi Sanjiva,
It is great to hear from you! I think we've met during EDCIS 2002 in
Beijing. Arno Jacobsen was there too. It looks like you know Peter
Niblett for a while as well!
It looks like at the movement that we are not able to secure a member of
Apache that would Champion and Sponsor us. I think we need to ask PMC to
do that. Can you help us there?
Yes, there is code, and a lot of it. But the code is focused on the
pub/sub matching, messaging, and federation. It does not use any of WS
stack at the moment and it does not follow any standards. We are going
to release this code and then work it into the standards stack. It will
bring results of six year research into the open source in a way that
everybody would be able to use it.
Reference Implementation means that within the project there will be it
will be a distribution that would contain all that WS-N stack requires
and no more or no less than that. To accomplish this objective within
MUSE without totally re-implementing it might be a problem.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sanjiva Weerawarana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 10:45 PM
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Cc: Mankovskii, Serge; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: Re: POLOKA proposal in context of existing Apache projects
Deepal, that's cart before the horse .. this project needs to get to
graduation first :).
Serge, are you asking for the WS PMC to sponsor this project for
If so, how does this relate to the WS-Notification impl we already have
top of Axis2? (Muse?) Having one by no means does not mean there can't
another; just trying to understand the relationship.
Is there code already developed that you're looking to contribute to the
ASF? Or are you proposing to write new code?? The first line of the
proposal starts with "Poloka will be a standalone reference
..". Later text suggests there's working code, but if there is no
code the right model is to join the existing community and build on that
What does "reference implementation" mean?
[Hi Peter (Niblett)! Long time :) ..]
Deepal jayasinghe wrote:
I think we can keep this as the same level as Sandesha and Ramparrt. I
mean we do not have any modules other than core stuff under Axis2.
Unfortunately i won't be able to help much at this time due to time
pressures. Hopefully one of my fellow PMC members may be interested
moving this forward. Best Wishes.
On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 3:54 PM, Mankovskii, Serge
Hi Davanum,
In our search for a Champion and Sponsor for the Poloka proposal
http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/PolokaProposal We looked into the
ServiceMix, Axis2, and MUSE projects.
We find that it makes most sense, so far, to have Poloka as a
project under
Axis2. It also makes sense to go into the ServiceMix, that
WS-Notification already, but objectives of ServiceMix and POLOKA are
somewhat different in respect to POLOKA goal to provide a
reference implementation of the spec. Bringing entire ServiceMix in
picture might be too much. However ServiceMix could benefit from the
work in the future.
Poloka (http://poloka.org) could create an Axis2 module implementing
handlers creating a messaging network for a federation of Axis2
This way we would be able to support
- Standalone WS-Notification compliant notification producer
notification consumer
- Standalone WS-BrokeredNotification broker
- Federation of WS-BrokeredNotification brokers.
It would make sense to integrate Savan functionality within Poloka
as time
goes but not other way around. I think so because Poloka objective
broader than Savan objective in respect to:
- Broker support
Broker support is defined in WS-Notification and not in WS-Eventing.
Although it is possible that once a broker with WS-Eventing
interface is
created, the picture might change.
- Subscription
WS-Eventing defines subscription language based on XPath
semantic). WS-Notification defines subscription Filers using Topic
(topic-based semantic), XPath over message content (content-based
same as in WS-Eventing), and resource properties (optional and
semantics, needs refinement in the spec).
- Matching performance
It seems that we can improve performance of XPath matching based on
research done by the PADRES
project. It would be equally applicable to WS-Notification and
Naweed Tajuddin, a Master student of Prof. Arno Jacobsen, is looking
specifically into this issue for his master thesis.
What do you think?
We are looking for the input and guidance of the Apache community in
the POLOKA proposal forward. Please help!
Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation; http://www.opensource.lk/
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.; http://www.wso2.com/
Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://www.apache.org/
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa; http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/
Blog: http://sanjiva.weerawarana.org/
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