Hi Ian,

One of the value-added aspects of ESME is in the server-side logic, which 
allows users to set up rules & behaviours (e.g. "only send me messages from X 
if they are tagged Y", and "email me when someone starts following me"). Also, 
there is a fundamental difference in attitude between broadcast & subscribe: 
XMPP/Jabber and email are used to send messages *to* people; ESME and other 
microsharing solutions are more about end users deciding who they want to hear 
*from*. Having said that, there is a sense in which we are somewhere in the 
middle of a continuum that has email at one end and IM at another. Even so, we 
think we occupy a niche with strong demand, especially for enterprise-grade 
levels of security and control over messaging - none of which is present in IM 
or email solutions.
Please have a read through the articles at http://blog.esme.us/ for more about 
what makes us different & valuable.

Best regards,

>don't take this the wrong way, but what is wrong with XMPP and jabber 
>for this kind of thing? wouldn't it make more sense to just extend that?
>Darren Hague wrote:
>> I would like to propose ESME as a project for the Apache Incubator.
>> Enterprise Social Messaging Experiment (ESME) is a secure and highly 
>> scalable microsharing and micromessaging platform that allows people 
>> to discover and meet one another and get controlled access to other 
>> sources of information, all in a business process context. ESME is 
>> written in Scala and uses the Lift web framework.
>> Please see http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ESMEProposal for details.
>> Since this is my first Apache project, any and all feedback is welcome 
>> - I will call for a vote a few days after relevant messages on the 
>> list reduce to a trickle and people seem happy with the proposal.
>> Best regards,
>> Darren Hague
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