Hi; This is the vote result for the OpenWebBeans proposal;
* Matt Hogstrom +1 (binding) * Martijn Dashorst +1 (binding) * Niclas Hedhman +1 (binding) * Kevan Miller +1 (binding-mentor) * Niall Pemberton +1 (binding) * Craig L Russell +1 (binding) * Niklas Gustavsson +1 (non-binding) * Matthias Wessendorf +1 (non-binding-champion) * Niklas Gustavsson +1 (non-binding) * James Carman +1 (non-binding) * Gurkan Erdogdu +1 (non-binding) Thanks to everyone, and I think VOTE is passed :) What will be the next step for us? Gurkan Erdogdu