Hi Ate,

Thanks very much for your detailed reply. I'll comment on what's
specific to the incubating status.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:53 PM, Ate Douma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...The problem of course is that WSRP4J still is in incubation and to be 
> honest
> hasn't seem much activities for some years now.
> Part of the reason in my view (and possibly a big one) is the *still* fuzzy
> state of potential patent claims on WSRP 1.0....

Does that patent issue mean that an ASF release of the WSRP4J would
not be safe from a legal point of view?

Or is it just that users might be afraid of using it?

> ...We are in a kind of limbo here though: without proper developer and
> community support how can it ever get out of incubator?...

Assuming the legal issue can be worked out, would the portals PMC be
prepared to "adopt" the WSRP4J code and maintain it in the future?

> ...If we can get a resolution on these legal issues soon, the state of the
> project could be improved a lot in a short time (its not *that* big a
> project to be honest), which I think then definitely will result in a much
> more interested and growing community (there is a large group of silent
> subscribers to the wsrp4j lists)....

Do you have pointers to discussions on our legal lists (Message-Id
would do), so that interested people can get more details?


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