
my suggestion is:
-ask again on the list, on your proposal, if there are concerns;
-if not, start the vote on Monday (always bad over a weekend)


On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Gurkan Erdogdu
> Hi;
> This is the last situation after struggled to achieve communicating the Web
> Beans Specification EG members.
> I tried to contact with Gavin King, Pete Muir (JBoss) and  Guice Developer
> List and Crazy Bob (Google) for concerning about the OpenWebBeans proposal.
> As an action items I did the following:
> Mail to Gavin King       : I kindly asked for adding me as an observer to
> the JSR-299 List. (No response.)
> Message to Seam List : I dropped a message to the Seam User List. (Pete Muir
> responded with  advice joinining into the RI impl. group. .
> Message to Google Developer List : I dropped a message to the Google
> Developer List. (No response)
> Mail to Crazy Bob        : I mailed to Crazy Bob about the WebBeansImpl and
> other concerns. (No response)
> It seems that Google folks does ignore me. Maybe their thinkings about the
> open source model is different. It must not be hard to response with simple
> message.
> Anyway , What does the IPMC thinks about this proposal to continue with or
> not?  and whether or not it is applicable to vote this proposal?
> Sincerely;
> --
> Gurkan Erdogdu
> http://gurkanerdogdu.blogspot.com

Matthias Wessendorf

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