
Thanks for the feedback.

I am collecting info needed for account requests as we speak. The CCLA
is expected 'any day now'....

I'll try to ensure that the STATUS page reflects reality, but
seriously; It is a pain in the but compared to a JIRA issue. Also, it
shouldn't be the "public front piece", IMHO, it should be
http://incubator.apache.org/etch that serves that purpose and STATUS
is mainly an Incubator artifact for our process purposes.

As for 'status' being dismysal state, give us a break ;o) We have only
had 5-6 weeks since the VOTE...


On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 2:28 PM, David Crossley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> = Etch =
>> Etch was accepted into Incubator on the 2 September 2008. Since then the
>> following items has been completed;
>>   * Project STATUS page, navigation and entry in projects/index.html has
>> been set up.
>>   * Mailing lists has been set up.
>>   * Jira project has been set up.
>>   * ICLAs for all initial committers has been submitted and recorded.
>> We are still waiting for a CCLA from Cisco, where all initial committers
>> work.
> AFAIK, the individual CLAs are all that is needed to
> set up their accounts. If they think that a CCLA is
> needed to clarify their situation, then surely that
> can follow later.
>> We also track all progress
>> in JIRA (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INCUBATOR-83) which is a lot
>> easier than the STATUS page,
>> and highly recommended for future recommended use to other podlings.
> That is great (thanks for being an exemplar) and it
> is obviously useful for you to manage your process.
> However i reckon that it is still important to keep
> the status page up-to-date. I was recently exited to
> read the old proposal, but then became very discouraged
> by the state of the Status page.
> This is your frontspiece and a useful way to encourage
> new developers.
> -David
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