I'm trying to resolve INCUBATOR-77 and I feel stuck on the wording in
the clearance template:
"Check and make sure that for all items included with the
distribution that is not under the Apache license,
we have
the right to combine with Apache-licensed code and
"Check and make sure that all items depended upon by the
project is covered by one or more of the following
licenses: Apache, BSD, Artistic, MIT/X, MIT/W3C,
MPL 1.1, or
something with essentially the same terms."
Per the issue mentioned, there is an LGPL dependency right now that is
going to be resolved. Thus, I am not sure what to do. Can we fill
out this and proceed w/ the checking in the code, knowing that we
can't release it until this is resolved or can I truly not finish
filling out the IP clearance (https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/public/trunk/site-author/ip-clearance/local-lucene-solr.xml
) until it is resolved? Part of me thinks, that if we commit, but not
release, that we will get some user volunteers to take up the issue of
replacing the problematic code. My understanding of the ASF (and
based on Doug C.'s comment) is that we could commit as long as we
don't release, but the clearance template seems to put up a gate that
isn't necessarily there.
Please advise.
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