Niclas, thanks for the support it is much appreciated. I will put you down
as as 'willing' on Mentor and Champion.

I understand the "at office" concern, it is a mode of operation and we (the
committers) all understand the importance of public communication and

I am a bit confused though about the "too good" concern, I do not think I
understand what you mean. Could you elaborate?


On 7/31/08 10:28 PM, "Niclas Hedhman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 01 August 2008 00:16, James Dixson wrote:
>> This a proposal to enter Etch in to the incubator.
>> See for updates.
>> In particular, we are looking for an interested Champion.
> Well, you are expected to have found a Champion prior to submitting the
> proposal, but that is not a blocker.
> "Etch" --> Not so sure. "Debian Etch vs Apache Etch, which one is better?"
> Doh... I would seek another name.
> I like this proposal a lot, probably because of too many fingers burned on
> SOAP. The challenge will be community building, and I have two fears;
>  1. Codebase might be "too good".
>  2. "At office" discussions on progress.
> Well, I am willing to be a Mentor on this podling if accepted. List me as
> Champion if you don't get anyone else. And you are effectively requesting the
> Incubator PMC to be the Sponsor.
> My +1 for Incubation.
> Cheers

James Dixson
Manager, Software Development
CUAE Engineering, Cisco Systems
(p) 512-336-3305
(m) 512-968-2116

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