On Jul 18, 2008, at 8:59 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

There are no "project leads" at the ASF. All committers who become a member of the PMC shall have an equal say in the project. This can cause a great amount of friction when the project is perceived to be "owned" by a small subset of the pmc members. Explosions within such projects happen at least
once a year, sometimes for the better and often for the worse.

I would have hoped that under Meritocracy, something about the transition from benevolent dictator to project management committee would be said. I would like to know, for example, if every committer will become a PPMC
member, or if this is a PPMC of two (Malcolm and Bob).

While I agree with the general point, I should add, that "no project leads" does not mean that you should add random people to the PMC, just because they posted a few times on the mailing list or submitted a trivial patch. "Meritocracy" means just that - give and elevate karma of people who make the project happen. I thought it is important to underscore this point, as there is often a fear of a project being hijacked.


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