On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 05:53:21PM +0300, Jukka Zitting wrote:
> Personally, I think it's entirely up to the project to decide in which
> formats they want to make their releases available. Do you really need
> a zip, or are you asking for it just because of convention? Or more
> generally (and mostly to couchdb-dev@), are there potential CouchDB
> users who would be better served by a release in zip format?

>From http://incubator.apache.org/guides/releasemanagement.html

  Though utilities for all major compression formats are available for all major
  platforms, not all platforms support all major compression formats by
  default. Users find it convenient to download the distribution compressed in a
  familiar format that is easy to decompress on their platform. It is therefore
  recommended that each type of distribution is shipped in a variety of 
  formats. Ship at least one of tar.gz, bz or bz2 for UNIX and linux (but note
  this). Ship zip for windows.

CouchDB does not currently support Windows, so providing a zip seems redundant.

Noah Slater, http://people.apache.org/~nslater/

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