On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 4:47 AM, Doug Cutting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>> Upayavira wrote:
>>>> Also, has the software grant process yet been started?
>>> Not sure. From later questions in the thread it seems that a CCLA is
>>> enough?
>> No - on a completed code base, the Software Grant is necessary, see
>> my earlier comments.
> The CCLA form can be used as a software grant.  So you're both right.


ISTM that the problem is that thrift is a more quickly moving code
base than the other commercial projects we've had experience
importing. so maybe we need to use the experience of the highly active
open source projects which have moved to the incubator. hopefully,
some of the people involved will jump in with first hand experiences

...but i'll do my best to offer some observations:

* It is not necessary to stop development outside Apache during import
and clean up. Providing that code is not moved around excessively,
changes made after the export cut can be contributed by an agent of
the copyright holder either as patches through JIRA or by direct
commits.  Patches can be used to ensure that the number of developers
who must be listed on a CCLA is reduced to a manageable number. For
example, say that Company X owns the copyright for all wcoveredork
done by Developer A who is not listed on a CCLA. The patch is owned by
Company X. Developer B is listed on the CCLA and has every right to
commit or submit the patch using the CCLA.

* Tracking down every contributor and ensuring that every contribution
is covered takes a long time. There is no need for this to prevent an
initial import providing that:
 * the majority of the code is covered
 * the contributors and their contributions are known precisely
 * no releases are cut
 * it is clearly indicated that the code is being cleaned up (for
example, for in import rather than trunk)
 * those signing the CCLA or software grant are willing to take
responsibility for the code base imported
 * Careful public records are kept on progress

- robert

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