The Apache River community is pleased to announce the release of
Apache River v2.1.1-incubating. This release has actually been out
for a little bit, we just didn't do an announcement (we apologize -
The source and binary downloads are available here:
Apache River (Incubating) is focused on furthering the development
and advancement of Jini technology. Jini is an open source service
oriented architecture that defines a programming model built on Java
which can be used to build secure, adaptive, network (distributed)
that are scalable, evolvable, and flexible as typically required in
computing environments.
This is the first release from Apache River Incubating, and is based on
the contributions of Sun's Jini Technology Starter Kit (Starter Kit)
and the Service UI (attaching user interfaces to Jini services)
from Artima. The release focuses on merging the two contributions
structuring src and bin releases, amending the source and documentation
naming and versioning to Apache River Incubating, and making some
small modifications. We're in the midst of working on more substantive
changes in a second release.
If you have feedback or questions, please join the river-dev mailing
and let us know your thoughts. We are actively seeking developers to
get involved, so check out the release and join in!
The Apache Incubator River Community
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