I've wasted too much time today on the stupid IP Clearance template
that insists on asking a bunch of irrelevant questions about
decisions that the Incubator is not responsible for making.
The required IP clearance questions should be:

   Identify the Contribution:
   Identify the Contributor(s):
   What are the filenames for the applicable
     software grant(s):
     Corporate CLA(s):
     Individual CLA(s):
   Location of initial import:
   Destination PMC:

That's it.

Licensing the artifacts, removal of dependencies, changing headers,
and checking for product trade names are all activities of the PMC
before a release is made, NOT before an import.  Committer access
is a responsibility of the destination PMC.  Prior distribution
rights are irrelevant.  Where on earth did this crap come from?

The template reads like a friggin nanny's club treatise on the
correct angle to wipe one's ass.  The only reason we have this
form is to record the connection between grant and initial commit.
Don't waste our time with anything else.


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