-----Original Message-----
From: sebb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 12:39 PM
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Approve Apache XAP 0.5.0 Release

On 07/04/2008, Bob Buffone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Incubator PM,
>  The XAP team has taken into account the feedback from sedd and
>  two distribution files. The first one is a "framework" package that
>  contains everything anyone would need to use XAP.  The second one is
>  geared towards developers that want to modify and develop XAP itself,
>  this is called "codebase". We are now asking the Incubator PM to
>  this release so we can distribute it.
>  The release candidate has been posted at:
>  http://people.apache.org/~bbuffone/xap-release/0.5.0-incubator/

There is no need for both tar and tar.gz archives; the tar files
should be deleted
(this should really be done by the build file once it has created the

The archives don't have a top-level directory - normally there is a
directory which includes the name of the product and the version, e.g.
the recent Tuscany RC has:



I have clean up the issues with naming and extra files


Where is the SVN tag please?


The tag is still XAP_0.5.0


The RAT report shows a lot of files with "unknown" licenses.

Some of these look like they may have been created at the ASF under
the AL 2.0 license, in which case they should have the requisite AL


I will look into this


>  Please cast your votes:
>  [ ] +1 Release is approved
>  [ ] -1 Veto the release (provide specific comments)
>  Thank you,
>  Bob (Buffone)
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