On 10/03/2008, Bob Buffone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Incubator PM,
>  The XAP team has put together a new release of the project (0.5.0) and
>  it has been approved by the xap-dev list with 8 (+1s) and 0 (others). We

It would be helpful to have a link to the vote thread.

>  are now asking the Incubator PM to approve this release so we can
>  distribute it.
>  The release candidate has been posted at:
>  http://people.apache.org/~bbuffone/xap-release/0.5.0-incubator/

Which SVN tag was used for the release?

Where is the KEYS file containing the signer's public key?

Is there a RAT report?

Normally there are separate source and binary archives.

>  Please cast your votes:
>  [ ] +1 Release is approved
>  [ ] -1 Veto the release (provide specific comments)
>  Thank you,
>  Bob (Buffone)
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