i'm preparing http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/RatProposal but i
thought i'd get the most controvercial and difficult aspect out of the
way: the name.

i quite like the name RAT since it's a play on words a Release Audit
Tool which rats on releases. (i was also born in the year of the rat.)
so, i expect people to find a thousand good reasons why it shouldn't
be used.

to get you all started, here are some links:


yes, lots of people use rat in relation to software

since RAT is so widely used, the name of the google project is arat.
i'm not sure why but the project is #3 at google and #2 at yahoo. so
aRAT is more plausable. there seems to be a place called arat in the
US and it seems to be a sur- and first-name. these probably weight
against this option.


- robert

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