On 7/12/07, Niclas Hedhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thursday 12 July 2007 05:59, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
> enterprise service integration

I find this project description too broad. Since I don't know what ServiceMix
is about I can't suggest something better.

Below is a stab at a description that uses all the acronyms:

... the Apache ServiceMix Project be and hereby is responsible for the
creation and maintenance of open source software implementing the Java
Business Integration (JBI) specification to provide an Enterprise
Service Bus (ESB) platform for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and
enterprise service integration.

Just my US$0.02 (not worth much these days).

perl -e 'print unpack("u30","D0G)[EMAIL 

Apache Geronimo - http://geronimo.apache.org/
Apache ActiveMQ - http://activemq.org/
Apache ServiceMix - http://servicemix.org/
Castor - http://castor.org/

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