[How's that for optimism? please not corrected stdcxx-dev list address]

I'm including general in this thread to give the incubator community
some small insight into stdcxx's efforts and next steps to graduate.

As far as I can see there are no remaining obstacles.


is of a caliber higher than expected in open source efforts, the new
steady contributors are recognized quickly with commit access (and later
then with 'PMC membership' in the form of their PPMC), and diversity is
increasing (we wish it were broader, but I suspect this project with
the visibility of full ASF status will attract additional committers
who might have been hedging their bets on whether or not the project
would survive incubation.)

It's survived, the community appears healthy - most code-discussion
occurs in the actual jira incidents that the discussion applies to,
and things are as quiet as expected for a mature implementation of
a reference standard.  Even issues raised by board/IPMC have been
addressed quickly and sufficiently.  (The issue with two-classes of
CTR and RTC committers is resolved, while The "Committers in italics
do not have a signed Contributor License Agreement on file." comment
does not and will not become applicable, and can be removed the next
time that file is touched.)

If anyone has concerns about stdcxx's graduation, please share them
with the [EMAIL PROTECTED] community.


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