On 6 May 07, at 8:56 PM 6 May 07, Daniel Kulp wrote:
Honestly, it sounds like the NMaven stuff will need a complete new
set of
repositories for NMaven artifacts. There isn't any way, IMO, that
repo layout can change for the normal maven 1 and maven 2
There is already a full proposal by Dan Fabulich of BEA who works
extensively with .Net and we've already beaten that horse to death.
It's not changing. The assemblies can have their constituents renamed
while packaging or they can use a different repository. A system that
cannot use version numbers in artifacts is defective IMO, but we'll
figure something out. But the chances of changing the existing
structure are pretty close to zero. I haven't seen any compelling
Shane, you've looked at Dan Fabulich's document. I assume Brett must
have pointed you to it at this point.
Incubator or repo1.maven.org is relatively irrelevant in that regards.
The layout is pretty much set in stone. There are too many plugins
(deploy, etc...) that rely on it, there are too many other apps
different proxy applications, etc...) that rely on it, etc...
If the current layout is inadequate for NMaven, the NMaven team should
figure out an appropriate place for a new repository. My personal
suggestion is to work with the Maven team and create a new area at
repo1.maven.org/nmaven or similar. But that's me. In either case, I
think that discussion is separate from where the m2 artifacts go. It
make make sense to put the nmaven stuff in dist/incubator for a while
until the layout is finalized, then move to central. However, the
layouts for m1/m2 are finalized. Thus, they can/should go to central.
That said, I don't know the NMaven details. But my #1 concern
is your
would expect that an incubator release repo would be more
amendable to
such changes.
No chance, IMO. Once an artifact is released, it's SET IN
includes the layout of the repository it's sitting in. Once theres
possibility that another project is relying on a particular
artifact to
be living at a particular location, it needs to stay there. The
incubator m2 release repository is no different from central in that
On Sunday 06 May 2007 14:11, Shane Isbell wrote:
[ ] use standard repositories
[ x ] relocate repositories under /www.apache.org/dist/incubator
My reasons are as follows: First, NMaven does not follow the standard
repo layout; second, the repository layout structure is still in a
state of flux, meaning that there is a need for potentially changing
the layout for .NET artifacts, while still doing releases.
Getting more into some more specifics, with NMaven, there is no
version information contained within the artifact file name and the
version must follow a standard format. This precludes the use
of "incubator" within the version itself. As mentioned above, at this
early stage, it's also not 100% clear on exactly how NMaven .NET
artifacts will reside within the repo. For instance, there is an open
question as to where pom files will reside when we add the concept of
classifiers to the repo. Also, given the repository layout structure
for NET artifacts may change over time, as the incubator project
evolves, I have concerns whether any of the standard maven repos
accept - and with good reason - an NMaven incubator release at all. I
would expect that an incubator release repo would be more
amendable to
such changes.
On 5/6/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[ x ] use standard repositories
[ ] relocate repositories under /www.apache.org/dist/incubator
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