On 5/7/07, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Xavier Hanin wrote:
> On 5/6/07, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is already a concern for existing projects coming from outside
>> Apache. It is completely and easily possible to become dependent on
>> both org.apache.wicket/wicket-1.3.0-incubating-beta1.jar and
>> wicket/wicket-1.2.6.jar
> I agree, but why add one more possible confusion for your users, and
> one more possible case for this kind of conflict? I think using only a
> tag in the version (as you have done for your 1.3 beta 1 version) is
> enough and less confusing.
I disagree in part, incubating needs to preceed a version number because
it's in descending significance (subversion .0 is less significant that
version-major 1). So either incubating-wicket-1.3.0-beta1 or else use
wicket-incubating-1.3.0-beta - the later is more readable to me.
I agree with your logic, but putting the 'incubating' as a version
suffix makes the use easier from a dependency management tool: you can
depend on version 1.3+ for instance, and get an automatic transition
at graduation (if we assume the project graduates before the final 1.3
release, which is what I hope for wicket :-)).
I agree there is no reason to force org.apache.incubating.wicket. to be
renamed after graduation to org.apache.wicket. I can't envision where
another project will 'adopt' the o.a.wicket. space if it failed to
graduate, and that they wouldn't be watching the providence of o.a.wicket
if they choose to. I think it's a disservice to our podling's community
of early adopters/testers/documentors/coders.
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Xavier Hanin - Independent Java Consultant
Manage your dependencies with Ivy!
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