On Apr 24, 2007, at 7:41 PM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Wednesday 25 April 2007 08:31, David Blevins wrote:
Generally, I think it's good to use words that describe EJB then the
words Enterprise JavaBeans specifically. Primarily because I think
it's good to be able to innovate in the space and not limit ourselves
to the ideas approved by the EJB JSR Expert Group.
Couldn't that be "in EJB and related technologies" ??
Certainly implementing the EJB spec is a constant for the project, so
that description would be adequate. It does give me an "ick" feeling
though as it's very much in the nature of the project to go beyond
EJB and test the limits of what it means to write enterprise
applications in any way we can possibly imagine. It just seems
summing that up as "and related technologies" just doesn't capture
that spirit. It'd definitely be our preference to be able to portray
ourselves as more than just EJB.
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