On Mar 26, 2007, at 7:42 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:


The list of

 David Recordon (recordond)
 Johannes Ernst (jernst)
 Matt Pelletier (mattpelletier)

is a start. I'll also suggest that they be the core of the revised PPMC for
Heraldry.  However ...

Other committers to Ruby PIP are:
 Dan Quellhorst
 Hans Granqvist
 Gary Krall
 Trotter Cashion
 Mike Graves

They aren't on the proposed ACL because of the lack of a response? I see

Yes, those folks are not on the ACL because of the lack of a response. If people didn't care enough to send a single e-mail message indicating their interest, then I doubt seriously whether they will invest the effort needed to get Heraldry running on the right track.

Dan Quellhorst eventually replied, and I also see:

I would be fine with adding Dan to the ACL

 Eugene Eric Kim
 Michael Mell

None of these people were on the original ACL, which were the original committers to the project. These three folks haven't actually contributed anything to the code that we've got. If they are serious about participating, they can do so via the regular committer process.

Would you add those four, pending CLAs as necessary?  So a starting
Community of 7, again pending CLAs.

More like a community of 4.

I'm bringing this back to the Incubator PMC for discussion and ultimately,
a vote.

I would also point out that I am currently the only mentor for
Heraldry, and I'm not willing to continue without some other people
jumping in to help.

Looks like Bill Rowe is willing to help.

That still leaves us one mentor short.

I"d like to hear some opinions from the rest of the Incubator PMC.


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