On 3/17/07, George Aroush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

...Can someone
please take a look at : http://people.apache.org/~aroush/Lucene.Net-2.0-004/
and tell me if the KEYS is right as well as if the *.asc files validate?...

The KEYS file is in the correct format, I was able to import it with
"gpg --import".

The md5 file


is IMHO in a funny format, I was expected the standard md5sum format (A):


but yours is (B):

24 8D CF 86 7A E0 8D 76  F5 42 CB E9 86 A9 17 96

So attempting to check it with

 md5sum -c Incubating-Apache-Lucene.Net-2.0-004-11Mar07.src.zip.md5

fails, although one can check the md5 "by hand".

I *think* the (A) format is the one we want, but I'm not sure where
this is specified. I'd say your md5 info is correct, but in an
unexpected format (there might be various flavors around though, but
I've always seen this (A) format).

About the .asc files, I have tried

 gpg --verify Incubating-Apache-Lucene.Net-2.0-004-11Mar07.src.zip.as

And the signature is ok, but AFAICS your key is hasn't been signed by
anyone, it'd be good to have it signed if you're at an ApacheCon or
another ASF gathering.

I'm not familiar with the sha format, I'll let others comment on that.

Hope this helps,

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