
On 12/1/06, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Friday 01 December 2006 10:10, Martin Ritchie wrote:
> So are we saying that having a DISCLAIMER file and the disclaimer in
> the README at the top level is not "clear" enough or does "all
> documentation" need to have the disclaimer as in all documentation
> files?
> Would be good to clear this up and update the Disclaimer section to
> say exactly where the specified disclaimer text should be put.

What about things like JavaDoc?   Do we need to make sure incubator is
splashed all over the generated javadocs?

We definitely need a concrete list of places where we need to add the

I'm no expert on Apache or Incubator branding, but I would expect to
see the disclaimer in the following places:

   * Front page of the project web site
   * Release notes
   * README files
   * Press releases
   * Email announcements

I.e. the places where a person would first look when encountering the project.

Note that the above list is not carved in stone, for example in the
recent Yoko release I considered it acceptable, though not necessarily
preferable, that the disclaimer was in a DISCLAIMER.txt file instead
of the README file.


Jukka Zitting

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