
Can someone tell us how we can proceed to get our milesone 1 released.
We currently have two +1 votes. 

Thanks, Edell. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jukka Zitting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 November 2006 23:49
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Publish Yoko M1 release


On 11/21/06, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wouldn't call either a blocker, notably since the release packages 
> were created and the vote started well before November 1st, but I'll 
> need to give the packages a more thorough review before voting.

+1 for the release, looks good

PS. Some more issue to consider in future releases:

* Having "SNAPSHOT" in the names of the release packages and jar
libraries suggests at least to me that we're talking about an SVN
snapshot instead of a tagged release.

* Release notes would be a very welcome addition.

* The README should contain a brief description of the project and
pointers at least to the LICENSE and NOTICE files instead or in addition
to just the build instructions.


Jukka Zitting

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