My feedback (YMMV):

> to be known as the "The Apache Open For Business Project"
> (also known as "Apache OFBiz")

I suppose that the Board can make a determination, but I think that Apache
OFBiz is OK, whereas "The Apache Open For Business Project" might be
confusing, e.g., would that be confused with some sort of portal for
corporate partnership.

> RESOLVED, that The Apache Open For Business Project be and
> hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
> software related to generic enterprise information automation

"Responsible for the creation and maintenance of a software project related
to ..."  In other words, it doesn't have exclusive oversight for the problem
domain, just a particular solution.

> RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Open For Business Project be
> and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws

I don't know where projects keep coming up with this idea (actually, I do:
recycling someone else's mistake).  There is one set of Bylaws for the ASF.
Project level bylaws amount to navel gazing, and are invalid.

        --- Noel

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