Based upon all of the discussion -- and positive feedback from Dims, Eric
Newcomer, Craig Russell, Jason van Zyl, Martijn Dashorst, David Recordon and
Nail Pemberton; slight negative feedback from Leo Simons; and no strongly
negative feedback that I notice -- this is now put forth for a formal vote:


The Champion shall work with the incoming community to identify the initial
committers.  The Champion shall review each with the incoming community to
justify each inclusion (active committer, highly desired new committer,
etc., but not arbitrary).  The proposal does not need to include the
justification, although the Champion should share it (and any concerns) with
the Incubator PMC.

The Champion shall work with the incoming community identify the initial
PPMC members*.  The Champion shall review each with the incoming community
to justify each inclusion.    The proposal does not need to include the
justification, although the Champion should share it (and any concerns) with
the Incubator PMC.

The Champion shall include the list(s) in the Project Proposal submitted to
the Incubator PMC for voting to accept the project.  Upon a successful vote
to accept, the proposal as accepted shall determine the initial committer
and PPMC lists.

*Incubator PMC members have oversight on all Incubator projects, and need
not be listed, although Mentors need to be identified when the project is


        --- Noel

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