Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 October 2006 12:44, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
>> Thanks, and we look forward to your comments.  To avoid cross-post
>> confusion, I will forward this message to the harmony-dev list rather
>> than CC.
> Amazing feat, indeed. I was very pessimistic to the start of Harmony, and am 
> gladly proven wrong.
> Now, has all IP concerns been sorted out, especially to the "been exposed to 
> Sun's SCSL'd reference codebase" been sorted out, both for existing 
> committers and some process to how this is applied to new committers??

Yes.  There never were any "existing committers".  We started with zero
and people were voted in.  (Individuals listed on the proposal had a
lower bar - the just had to show participation and submit some

Every contributor we accept new independent material from has to
complete our "Authorized Contributor Questionnaire" (which you can find
on the website) which we keep a tiff or pdf of in SVN.  I think we
currently have 120 on file.  Also, we ask for ACQs from all individuals
that contributed to any "bulk" contribution - one in which software was
written elsewhere and donated to us.

These IP processes are built on top of the standard Apache process.


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