On 10/16/06, Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The Tuscany PPMC has voted to release a parent pom and buildtools jar
that are dependencies for a forthcoming M2 release. These would be
made available through the m2-incubating-repository to allow end
users to build source distributions of that release. In accordance
with Incubator release procedures we are asking the Incubator PMC to
approve this release.


stylistic notes

one suggestion: even though the names become long IMHO it's a good
idea to prefix every jar with the project name (apache-tuscany). not
only does this make it easy for users to identify the jar but it is
also good publicity for the project (one of the reasons why jakarta
and commons are so well known is that these names were included in
every released jar).

- robert

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