> On 10/10/06, Craig L Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Jean,
>> Your suggestion looks sound to me.
> +1
>> > Some clarifications are needed on the PPMC page, including:
>> >  - the PPMC has no legal standing, so no need for board notification
> i'm not sure about this. roy seems very convinced that PPMCs are
> official committees. IMO this policy seems reasonable but it's not
> publically written down anywhere and a little more ceremony and
> documentation would be required before i find this convincing in
> practice. may be necessary to go through the records...

If PPMCs have official status, then wouldn't new additions require board

>> >  - membership on the PPMC does not guarantee membership on the PMC
>> > when the podling graduates
> IMHO in theory, this is a matter for the board which they delegate to
> the incubator PMC. in practice i think that the PPMC will become the
> PMC.

But a PPMC member shouldn't count on that. When a podling graduates to a
TLP, the board will need to approve the PMC list, right? And if a podling
graduates into a subproject of a TLP, it is up to that TLP's PMC to invite
members to become apart of it.

> what would be very useful are some guides about what a PMC is and what
> it isn't. something along the lines that the pmc should only act in an
> official capacity when that's absolutely required which is mostly
> process stuff. didn't come up with a form of wording that i found
> satisfactory. be very happy if docathoners came up with suitable
> content :-)

how much of the general PMC wording is covered by  (or needs to be tweaked
in) http://www.apache.org/dev/#pmc ?

docathoners -- I'm at the far table at 10:00 when you come in the
hackathon door.  :-) Somebody mentioned that Robert put up a docathoner
sign in Dublin. I should have been as well organized.


> - robert
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