Hey Martijn,

do keep sending these e-mails. Less replies doesn't mean that its less valuable.

On Oct 3, 2006, at 9:38 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
Just to pose an outsider view, being new to the ASF and not to hijack
the discussion on the CFX/CeltiXFire, I would like to share my views
on the policy of the incubator.

I'm gonna respond in the generic rather than specific points.

Rest assured, the whole CXF thread doesn't apply to projects like Wicket. Where wicket was a solid open source community already, CXF was an attempt to start something by merging something corporate with something open source, pour in some unknowns, and then hope for the best.

Where wicket's technology space is essentially well-understood by most incubator PMC members (and asf peeps world wide, most likely), the stuff CXF focusses on is still buzzword-ridden and thus well- avoided by many.

Do you really think a wicket contributor would've waited two months for his account if the people around him would've been happily committing code? Do you think you would've? I would guess board@ would've known about it by then, if not slashdot...

...It is simply a world of difference. Which makes writing a single, sane, understandable, clear, permanent, policy for both (well, n, there's a new world every time there's a new project) quite hard (I've never understood why we try, but that's another subject). For example, where I'll happily go and weigh what wicket contributors contributed to wicket before it came to apache (especially if those contributors rub my nose in it), I'm not gonna care a rat's ass what Joe Corporate Developer Who Is Unknown To Google Or Koders.com contributed to a corporate codebase before his company came to apache.

Bluntly, a project like Wicket starts at 90% "community clearance done" (just some IRC things to convince people of ;) ), that other project starts at -20%-100% depending on which company it came from.

In the end, this means you don't put your trust into the process. You put your trust into the people that make that process work, and into processes where what those people say and do (and vote) matters above and beyond most (some of it is legal shtuff, can vote all you like there, ain't gonna help) process description.

Which, getting back to CXF, is now getting me really worried, since its champion and most active mentor resigned from his position.


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